bellow is the PHP program.that may help you to done your practical records,each program had give visual output so you can catch those program in very simple. Before going discuss program lets discuss HOW TO RUN PHP PROGRAM using wampserver
Steps to Run php file with WAMP SERVER
- Save the file WAMP -> WWW -> filename.php
- Now open a Browser and Type Localhost
- Now open a localhost main page there you can see Your projects
- Select that file to run
Every file should save with .Php extenstion
There are few fine points about how PHP code work:
- The web sever sends the request on to the PHP parser,which is either built into the web server binary or exists seperately as filter
- The PHP parser scan the requested file for PHP code
- when PHP parser finds PHP execute
- New output file is sent back to the web server
- The web server sends the output file along to the web browser
- The web server display the output
Basic php programs with connecting to SQL databases
- PHP programs to Print Even numbers in a range
- PHP program to Demonstrate use of COOKIES
- PHP program to concatenate two string
- PHP program to find large number in Array
- PHP program to display element in an Array in ascending order
- PHP program to display elements in an array using Foreach loop
- PHP program to demonstrate Switch control statements
- PHP program to display first n STRANGE numbers
- PHP program to display first n PRIME numbers
- PHP prgrams to print PRIME number in a RANGE
- PHP program to print FIBONACCI numbers in a RANGE
- PHP program to demonstrate any five STRING Functions
- PHP program create HTML form page and POST its value to another page
- PHP program to create login form with help of session
- PHP program to store,display,update,and delete students details using Mysql database
- PHP program to populate dropdown (select) box with data from MySQL table
- PHP program to populate content of student table to HTML form